Installment your Purchases with Tamkeen Plus Cards

Installment Purchases with Tamkeen Plus Cards

Bank Albilad offers the Installment Purchases Program on Tamkeen Plus Cards, which allows customers to divide the value of purchases into equal installments 

over a period not exceeding 12 months with a profit margin starting from 0.5%.

How to redeem

What are the main advantages of installment purchases from Bank Albilad?

  • Payment periods starting from 3 months to 12 months
  • discounted profit margin starting from 0.5%
  • Available for all local and international purchases. Minimum purchase value 1000 SAR.
  • Maximum number of installments plans 4 active plans. 

Types of cards included in the offer

Tamkeen plus cards

​Terms and conditions

​Purchase transaction

​3 months

​6 months

​12 months

​1000 SAR or more

​0.50% profit margin
​1% profit margin
​1.50% profit margin

Example: Purchase transaction of 5000 SAR for 6 months:
Purchase transaction amount                                      5000 SAR                        
Installment period chosen by the customer                  6 months.                       
Purchase transaction 5000 SAR x 1% Monthly profit margin       50 SAR  
monthly installment amount.                                        883.33

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