How to redeem points to get loyalty program rewards?
For redeeming your loyalty points, log in to your Mukafaat Albilad loyalty program account. Browse the catalogue for rewards available and choose the reward of your choice. Follow the instructions provided to get the rewards.
Here’s a look at the categories of loyalty program rewards available:
Redeem your points for flights instantly at over 550+ airlines.
HotelsBook your next hotel stay for from over 175,000 hotels worldwide.
ShoppingYou can use your points to get e-vouchers for shopping with popular retailers. Show your e-voucher to the merchant when paying. This will deduct the voucher amount from your final bill.
Points exchangeExchange your points for miles in popular frequent flyer and hotel programs.
Points DonationDonate your points to our charity partners.
Cash Back Use your points to pay for everyday purchases made with your Bank Albilad card. Cashback within seven days.
Can I earn points when while purchasing from gas stations?According to the current terms and conditions, customer can earn points while purchasing from gas stations.
Can I earn points when while toping up digital wallets?According to the current terms and conditions, customer cannot earn points while toping up digital wallets.
Can I earn points when while paying the Ministry of Interior?According to the current terms and conditions, customer can earn points while paying through the Ministry of Interior websites and not through SADAD.
Can I earn points when while paying for electricity and water?According to the current terms and conditions, customer can earn points while paying through the Saudi Electricity Company and National Water Company websites and not through SADAD.
Can I earn points when while making government payments?According to the current terms and conditions, customer can earn points while paying through government websites and not through SADAD.
Do I need to re-enroll in Mukafaat Albilad when renewing or replacing my card?
Yes, when you renew or replace your card, you must re-link and re-enroll in the Mukafaat Albilad to continue earning points. This applies to all cards except for Tamkeen Plus cards.