Sharia Committee Decisions

Sharia Committee Decisions

DownloadDecisions No
Decisions title
Click here​​​​​-Legality of subscription in Bank Albilad
Click here​​-Bank's compliance with the decisions of the Sharia Board
Click here6 Banking relationship opening agreement
Click here​​​6AAmendment to banking relationship opening agreement
Click here​​6BAdditional account opening form 
Click here​​6CBanking relationship opening agreement in Arabic and English
Click here​​7Forms of customer service center of Bank Albilad founders, Bank Albilad, and Enjaz
​Click here​8Forms of customer service center of Bank Albilad founders, Bank Albilad, and Enjaz
Click here​​9Forms of customer service center of Bank Albilad founders, Bank Albilad, and Enjaz
Click here​​10Forms of customer service center of Bank Albilad founders
Click here​​11Deferred sale in base and precious metals 
​Click here​12Deferred sale of minerals to the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) with authorizing it as a third party in concluding the contract
Click here​​13Deferred sale investment account
​Click here​13ADeferred sale investment account in English
Click here​​13BAmendment to forward sale investment agreement in English 
​Click here​13CStandard agreement between Saudi banks to sell commodities to treasury customers
​Click here​14Deferred sale financing in international commodities
​Click here​14ACustomer signature on the payment schedule in the forward sale
​Click here​15Murabaha contract standards
​Click here​15ALegality of purchasing a real estate by the Bank in which the customer owns a share in it
​Click here​15BClause of contract termination of the contract under the expiration of term option 
​Click here​15CDeceased debtor exemption 
Click here​​15DThe customer affords the bank's loss arising out of breaking the promise in Murabaha
​Click here​16Credit Card standards
​Click here​17Sharia standards for current accounts
​Click here​17AFees of low-balance current account 
​Click here​17BDeduction of low-balance current accounts fees without notice
​Click here​18Sharia standards for exchange
Click here​​19Sharia standards for shares 
Click here​​20Sharia standards for ATM cards
​Click here​21Terms and conditions of ATM card and its forms
​Click here​​21AAcknowledgment form of receiving ATM card, and entering its password
​Click here​​21BAcknowledgment form of receiving a card, and entering its password
​Click here​22Banking services forms 
​Click here​​22ACustomer claim form
​Click here​23Terms and conditions of credit card and its forms
​Click here​​23ATerms and conditions of platinum credit card and its forms
​Click here​​23BIssuing a credit card in exchange against retaining an amount
​Click here​​23CMedad Prepaid Cards
Click here  ​​23HHousehold Labor Salary Card
Click here
​23IPayroll Card
​Click here​​23DVisa Infinite Credit Card
​Click here​​​23EVisa Signature Credit Card
​Click here​​23JCorporate Credit Card 
​Click here​​​23F​Tamkeen Credit Card
​Click here​​23GMedad Digital Card
​Click here​23NMada Digital Card
​​Click here
23P​​Tamkeen Plus Card (Covered by Murabaha transaction)
Click here ​23REnjaz Digital Card
Click here​​24Safety deposit box rental contract and its forms
​Click here​25Standing orders and its forms
Click here​​26Shares financing in installments
Click here
26AProduct of shares financing in installments outside the official working hours
Click here​​27Deferred sale investment account agreement and its forms
​Click here​​27AEarly payment in deferred sale investment at the customer request (creditor)
​Click here​29Sharia standards for checks
Click here​​​29ARuling on taking fees for issuing a replacement check
​Click here​30Albilad Tadawul Agreement for online local brokerage, and trading models
​Click here​​30AForms of trading availability for non-Saudis
​Click here​​30BPhone trading Securities Exchange
​Click here​32Banking facilities agreement
​​Click here​32A​Terms and conditions of banking facilities agreement
​Click here​33Musharkah letter of credits and its forms
​Click here​​33AAdvance payment in Musharkah letter of credits 
​Click here​​33BPartner’s commitment and risks of modifying the bank’s requirements in Musharkah letter of credits 
​Click here​34Murabahaa letter of credits and its forms
​Click here​35 Letter of credits and its forms
​Click here​​35AFees refunded from the correspondent bank as an incentive in letters of credits
​Click here​36Letter of guarantee and its forms
Click here​​​36BRefund fees of executed letters of guarantee (Liquidation / Confiscation)
​Click here​37Corporate banking group general forms
​Click here​38Contractors financing in exchange for assigning progress billing and its forms
Click here​​​38AAmendments to the contractor financing agreement in exchange for assignment of progress billing
Click here​​39Istisnaa contract and its form
​Click here​40Auto sale in installments and its forms
Click here​​​40AForms related to auto sale in installments
​Click here​​40BAssignment acknowledgment form from the buyer to a third party
​Click here​​40Cconstructive possession in financing used cars
​Click here​​40Dconstructive possession in purchasing new cars
​Click here​44Stocks investment funds agreement
​Click here​45Minerals Investment Funds Agreement
​Click here47Product of participation in the risk of confirming letter of credits
​​Click here​48Standards of letter of credits and documentary collections
​Click here​49Advertising controls
Click here​​51pledge acknowledgment form
​Click here​​51A​Investment funds units pledge acknowledgment
​Click here​​51BBank account pledge while allowing the customer to withdraw and deposit
Click here​​52Funds asset custodial service
​Click here​53A partner authorization form to obtain banking facilities 
​Click here​56Current account incentive program
​Click here​​56A​Motivating staff to market some of Bank Albilad's products
​Click here​​56BStaff incentives to market 'Bank Albilad account' 
​Click here​57Shares investment financing
  Click here58Investment Agency product by interbanks
​Click here​60Saudi Shares Investment Fund
​Click here​​60ASaudi Equity Fund (Asayel) 
Click here​​​60BIthmaar Saudi Corporate Equity Fund
​Click here​​​60C​Ithmaar Gulf Fund
​Click here​61Murabaha Investment Fund 
​Click here​​61AA transaction agreement between the investment fund management and the treasury
Click here​​​61BMurabih Fund in Saudi Riyals (Murabaha)
Click here​​​61CMurabih Fund obtained liquidity from the Bank through Tawarruq with the treasury
Click here​​​61DInvesting the funds of Murabih Fund and private portfolios by direct investment with the treasury
Click here​​​61EInvesting the funds of Aqaar and Amwal funds in Murabih Fund
​Click here​​61GSharia Standards for Murabaha fund activity
​Click here​62Kuwaiti Shares Investment Fund
Click here​​​62AKuwaiti Shares Fund (Al-Saif)
​Click here​63The Bank purchases minerals on credit and sells them for a current or deferred price
Click here​​65The Bank purchases minerals from a seller, with a guarantee of purchasing
Click here​​66A real estate sale contract in installments and its forms
​Click here​​66AAgreement of providing real estate sale services in installments.
​Click here​​66BAgreement of providing real estate sale services in installments.
Click here​​​66CReal estate sale contract (executed by Al-Bilad Real Estate Company) 
​Click here​​66DReal Estate Valuation Fees
​Click here​​​66EAdvance payments Standardsin real estate Murabaha
​Click here​​66FPurchasing leased real estate and selling them to customers
​Click here​67Providing offers and discounts for customers current account 
​Click here​68Staff medical care program management contract
​Click here​69Approach of the Sharia Board in reading the financial statements and classifying the shares of joint stock companies
​Click here​​69A​Ruling on bank mediation in subscription and trading in the shares of companies in violation of Resolution (69)
Click here​​​69C​Methodology for clearing Trading Equity Funds 
Click here​​​69DTrading in shares of companies whose Shari'a classification has been changed
​Click here​70Private investment portfolios in local stocks management agreement 
​Click here​​70A​Updated agreement for the management of private investment portfolios in local stocks
​Click here​71Auto lease product with a promise of ownership
​Click here​72Product of purchasing lease-to-own leased auto portfolio
​Click here​74Product of protection from exchange rate fluctuations "Security"
​Click here​​74A​Product of protection from exchange rate fluctuations (2)
​Click here​75International Stock Trading Agreement
​Click here​76Appendix of Global Shares Trading Brokers Agreements
​Click here77Real estate lease financing product
Click here​​​78Escrow Account agreement
​Click here​79Corporate staff payroll transfer agreement 
Click here​​​79A​Government bodies staff payroll transfer agreement 
​Click here​80POS retailer agreement
​Click here​81GCC Real Estate Equity Fund​ (Aqaar)
​Click here​83Bank’s contribution to the establishment of joint stock companies
​Click here​84Ruling on carrying out bank transfers for prohibited activities
​Click here​​84A​SADAD payment system agreement
Click here​​85Undertaking to cover the publicly traded share (underwriting)
Click here​​86Ruling on financing a commercial insurance company
Click here​​87Ruling on financing a media company
Click here​​​87A​Financing a company whose part of its activity is selling musical instruments
​Click here​88Terms and conditions Albilad Account Opening Agreement 
​Click here​​88A​Sharia Standards for Mudaraba accounts
​Click here​​88BAlbilad Ithmaar Account and its forms
Click here​​​88C​Amendments to  terms and conditions of the Albilad account 
​Click here​89Bank act as an intermediary in underwriting in insurance companies
​Click here​90Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions Shares Fund (Amwal)
​Click here​91Statement of the Sharia Board in the 1st general assembly of the bank for the year 2006G
Click here​​​91A​Statement of the Sharia Board in the 2nd general assembly of the bank for the year 2007G
Click here​​​91B​Statement of the Sharia Board in the 3rd general assembly of the bank for the year 2008G
Click here​​​91C​Statement of the Sharia Board in the 4th general assembly of the bank for the year 2009G
​Click here​​91D​Statement of the Sharia Board in the 5th general assembly of the bank for the year 2010G
Click here​​​91E​Statement of the Sharia Board in the 6th general assembly of the bank for the year 2011G
​Click here​​91F​Statement of the Sharia Board in the 5th Extraordinary General Assembly of the Bank in 2012
​​Click here​91G​Statement of the Sharia Board of the 8th Ordinary General Assembly of Banks in 2013G
​Click here​​​91HStatement of the Sharia Board of the 4th General Assembly of the Bank for the year 2014G
​Click here​​​​​91IStatement of the Sharia Board of the 7th extraordinary general assembly of the Bank in 2015G
​Click here ​​91KStatement of the Sharia Board of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2017G
​Click here​​​​91JStatement of the Sharia Board of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2016G
​Click here ​91LStatement of the Sharia Board of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2018G
​Click here ​91M​Statement of the Sharia Board of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2019G
​Click here ​91N​Statement of the Sharia Committee of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2020G
​​Click here 
​Statement of the Sharia Committee of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2021G
Click here​​92Agreement of saving shareholders funds in  Amana account
Click here​​93Real estate sale product in the forms of murabahah and musharakah and its forms
Click here​​94Direct Murabaha and Musharakah product
Click here​​95Murabaha with a letter of guarantee issued by a guarantor bank and its forms 
Click here​97Slight accounting differences in paying utility bills
​Click here​​97AAccounting differences in financial clearings 
​Click here​98Correspondent banking agreements Standards
​Click here​​98A​Standard agreement for correspondent banks in remittances
​Click here​​98B​​Usurious interest arising from exposure of bank accounts for correspondents
​Click here​99Standards of Subscription Management Agreements and receiving banks
Click here​​101Ruling on the creditor’s commitment to the debt deduction and defining its mechanism in the contract
Click here​​​​102Charging a non-refundable administration fee on financing for individuals
Click here​​103Profite Rate Swap product
​Click here​​​104Dahia Investment Fund
​Click here​105Overdraft facility product "Interest-free loan"
​Click here​106Market Price of Salam on the Date of Delivery
​Click here 107Mudaraba overdraft product for companies
​Click here​108Refinance of mortgaged debts 
​Click here​109Auto agencies and showrooms agreement
​Click here​110Marketing for international funds approved by Sharia bodies 
​Click here​111Financing by customers for their debt payments with other banks
Click here​​​111A​ Debt payment product
Click here​​112Bank disposal of forbidden funds
Click here​114Customer lending product in exchange for payroll transfer
Click here​​115Providing cash and in-kind gifts by the bank to market products 
​Click here​116Compensation paid by the Bank to the customer for operations that were not invested by mistake
Click here​​117Deffered Mudaraba Account Product
​Click here ​118self construction financing product
​Click here 119Off Plan financing product
Click here​​120Standards of administrative and technical contracts and agreements 
Click here ​ 121Down payment support program
​Click here​122Bank financing for one of its subsidiaries
Click here​​124Refinancing product
Click here​​​124ATop-Up financing product
​Click here​125Finance against mortgage product
​Click here​126Capital protection product 
​Click here​127Malaysian Palm Oil Exchange - Bursa Suq Al-Sila’
​Click here​128Al Hilal Sukuk "Satorp"
Click here​​​128A​Sadara Sukuk
​Click here​129Treasury customer agrement
Click here​​131Additional financing product with the Real Estate Development Fund 
​Click here​132Guarantor product with the Real Estate Development Fund 
​Click here​133Subsidized home financing product
​Click here​134Moyassar home financing product
​Click here​​135Standards Abstracted From Resolutions of Shari'a Board of Bank Albilad
Click here​​​136Transferring portfolios that comprise prohibited shares and taking a commission on selling them
​Click here​​​​137Shari'a Guide For Real Estate Finance
​Click here139Product of hedging against currency  fluctuation by promise
​Click here140Education Financing Product
Click here142Two-promise repo structure
​Click here143Decreasing flexible mortgage financing
​Click here144Off Plan financing product by Istisnaa 
​Click here148​Investment Wakalah product for individuals
​Click here149​Saving account product
​Click here150Agent banking service decision
Click here
151​​Financing using commodities through Nafaes international
​Click here
Statement of the Sharia Committee of the General Assembly of the Bank in 2022G
​​Click here
​Corporate wakalah investment account “business returns account”
​​Click here
​Restricting investments in wakalah investment accounts to specific assets
​​Click here
​Petty cash card
​​Click here
​Banking as a service
​​Click here
​Electronic payment service
​​Click here
​Cash deposit card
​​Click here
​Land and construction product
​​Click here
​Sharia committee’s statement for bank’s general assembly in 2023
​​Click here
​Selling Murabaha financing portfolio
​​Click here
​Developed self-construction product
​​Click here


​Finance against assignment of periodic revenues of companies or rental revenues product

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​The Bank’s financing for off-plan real estate projects product (Wafi) 
​​Click here


​Investment with promise to exchange product (dual currency)

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Albilad rewards program
​​Click here

​Quick Finance for private banking clients 

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​Wakalah Investment with variable profit product
​​Click here
​Wafi program
​​Click here
​Direct investment product

​Click here

​Child expenses account
​​Click here

​FX Swap based on promise product

​Click here
​Government Sukuk in Ijara format

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