Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The Bank’s Board of Directors is committed to provide a growing shareholder value over the long term, and it appreciates the role of an effective governance system in achieving sustainable growth, and that is achieved through the formulation of strategic objectives and translating them into appropriate work programs, and working on their achievement with a commitment to the transparency, disclosure and fairness standards.

Governance – as a concept in Bank Albilad- is a system of rules used in directing and guiding the Bank, including mechanisms
to regulate the relationship between the Board of Directors, the Executive Management, shareholders and other stakeholders, where special regulations and procedures are applied to facilitate decision making and transparency in order to protect the rights of shareholders and stakeholders and achieve justice and transparency in the financial and business environment.

The Bank’s corporate governance is based on fair treatment on the basis of equality between the interests of the various concerned parties, including shareholders, management, customers, suppliers or government agencies (including Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities), and all community sectors. The Board of Directors and the Executive Management stresses the need to adhere to the governance controls as an effective method to develop the concepts of effective transparency, integrity and control, and achieving high professional performance, thus enhancing the confidence of the above-mentioned stakeholders locally.

​​Governance documents

​​By Law

​​Shareholder Mannual

​​Policy of Rules and Regulations for Nomination and hiring for the Board  

​Remuneration and Compensation Committee Charter     

Compliance and Governance Committee Charter 

Risk Committee Charter 

Shariah Committee Charter 

Executive Committee Charter 

Audit Committee Charter  
​Rules and standards proceeding to BoD member of competing with the Bank or any of its activities   

​Code of Conduct 

​​​Dividends Policy 

​Social Responsibility Policy

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