
Our people

Everything that Bank Albilad delivers is ultimately achieved by the people who work within our business.

Our 3,500-strong staff team is the key driver of our growth, and all of our successes have been enabled by our strong, skilled, and committed team.

Our people are the primary resource that drives change within the business.

In house


Training Seats

Training Session




Training User


Training Hours



Training Seats

Training Session



Training User

Training Session



Training Seats

Training Session



Training Seats

Training Session

In 2022, the Bank reverted to a business model that was established before the Covid pandemic. The pandemic forced us to modify the way we worked in a range of ways that challenged both the business and the people within it. It changed how we used our buildings, delivered services to customers, and carried out internal processes such as staff training

As we have emerged into a post-pandemic period, we are finding ways of working which in some cases return to pre-pandemic models and in others reflect the learning that we have captured from new ways of working developed during the pandemic.

This year we have also been responding to an increasingly tight employment market, where businesses are having to do much more to attract and retain the skilled staff that they need for success.

We have invested in expanding the training and development of all staff, with a return to face-to-face training across the business. We have also focused our strategy on identifying our most talented performers to put strategies in place that can support career development and ensure that we can best use their skills, and improve retention.

This has also been supported by a revision of our rewards strategy to align compensation and incentives with what is on offer in an increasingly competitive market. This strategy has considered not just pay rates, but also non financial rewards, training and development opportunities, and other benefits that we offer to our staff team.

We have also increased our focus on the work we do to establish Bank Albilad as a great place to work. This has included a focus on a range of initiatives to improve staff motivation and well being, ranging from “bring your child to work days” to events themed around the World Cup.

Our driver is to create a culture which is recognised as the best workplace possible for our dedicated team, with unrivalled opportunities for individuals to grow and thrive in their roles.

Not only is this delivering the Bank’s business strategy, but it is also contributing to the wider aims of Vision 2030. We are already a Platinum Level employer when it comes to rates of Saudization, with 93% of our staff being Saudi Arabians. We are also working to increase diver-sity within our staff team, reaching new levels of women in our workforce.

As we move forward into 2023, we will continue to strive to be a sector leader in how we support people within the organisation.

We will be launching a new app for staff early in the year, building on development work car-ried out in 2022. This will allow all of our staff to access Human Resources services whenever, and wherever they are. This will include book-ing leave, accessing training opportunities, and seeing new internal opportunities for career progression.

As a business, we are clear that supporting our workforce is critical for our continued growth. This can only be achieved through a combination of strategy and culture. As we move forward, we plan to do more to consult with and engage staff, for instance through an annual employee survey, to develop new approaches to support them.

People will remain at the heart of Bank Albilad’s strategy. Our successes are shared, as are our challenges. This will remain a major focus of work in 2023.

Our vision is to have the best workplace possible where staff are supported and nurtured to grow in their careers and deliver value for the Bank