A vibrant society, a thriving economy,
and an ambitious nation.

As a significant contributor to the Saudi Arabian financial sector, Bank Albilad has an important role to play across the three themes of the Vision: a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation.
Our Islamic banking services and products are providing support for individuals and businesses across the Kingdom. In particular, by focusing on the provision of leading-edge digital solutions we are engaging with younger people to give them access to banking products that meet modern needs.
Our future as a Bank is closely tied to the future success of the Kingdom as a whole.
Bank Albilad’s range of Shariah-compliant savings products is also contributing to the overarching Vision objective to increase household savings from 6% to 10% of total household income whilst our homeownership solutions are helping to meet the Kingdom’s target to increase homeownership to 70% by 2030 from 60% in 2020.
At the same time, our focused activities supporting the SME sector will support a key engine of economic growth.
Our future as a Bank is closely tied to the future success of the Kingdom as a whole. In 2022, we continued to deliver a robust strategy that is entirely aligned with the mission, aims and objectives of Vision 2030.